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National Reconciliation Week community archive


To start off, we want to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land we're all on. ReachOut is based on Gadigal Land and we extend that acknowledgement to all the incredible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Country each of our community members come to us from. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and future, and to all First Nations people in our community too. ❤️💛🖤


National Reconciliation Week is a time for us to learn about our history and culture, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. What does reconciliation mean? Sancia shares what reconciliation means to them - have a read here. And Zoe shares her thoughts here too.


This year's National Reconciliation Week theme is "Be Brave. Make Change.” It is a challenge for individuals, families, communities, organisations and government—to Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can Make Change. Not sure how you can do that? Alice has some great tips here on how to be an ally to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


What are some ways you are going to be brave and make change? Let us know in the comments below! 

Iona_ROPosted 30-05-2022 12:23 PM


gina-ROPosted 30-05-2018 02:15 PM

We are about half way through Reconciliation Week!
For those of you who might not be sure what it's all about, its a time for all Australians to learn about the histories, cultures, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander peoples, and to promote better relationships and understanding. 

This means remembering and learning the true history of Australia, celebrating contributions to music and film from the Aboriginal peoples - as we are over here, and sharing and respecting Indigenous Art. 


This thread was suggested by @j95 as a place to share and appreciate art. 


I really love this piece by Betty Kuntiwa Pumani, titled Antara 



It is currently at the NSW Art Gallery in the Wynne Prize Exhibition


The prize is dominated by incredible pieces from Aboriginal artists - go check it out here 


j95Posted 01-06-2018 03:50 PM

Anyone been to this?? I was going to take the train down to have a look but can’t because of my eye and it’s over 😞F8F82546-6F2D-4E14-A3DB-0C6B58876A54.jpeg




j95Posted 01-06-2018 03:59 PM
I think I’m going to go to the long walk depending on how I’m feeling/how things are going @Bree-RO
Bree-ROPosted 01-06-2018 03:53 PM

Oh man that looks awesome @j95 There is a fair bit on near Fed Square

j95Posted 30-05-2018 02:48 PM
Wow that is sooo cool thanks for sharing and starting the thread @gina-RO I am about to share some of my favourite pieces too
j95Posted 30-05-2018 02:53 PM

This is so cool I just found it on the internet then DD973F13-6193-4BAD-A2AE-73761923053E.jpeg




gina-ROPosted 30-05-2018 02:54 PM

woah! That's incredible. Could you share the link, or the name of the artist if you've got it?

j95Posted 30-05-2018 03:03 PM
For those interested in interpreting more about the art you see can find the meaning behind different symbols on the internet there is a few charts, I have found that it varies slightly sometimes depending on who or where though
gina-ROPosted 30-05-2018 02:53 PM

No worries @j95 - yeah its awesome hey! 


Did you see all the other cool pieces on the NSW Art Gallery  Wynne Prize website? So cool !!


Excited to see what you share Smiley Very Happy

j95Posted 30-05-2018 02:55 PM
Wow @gina-RO in January when I went to the NT too see my family I got to do some wood carvings and some dot paintings
gina-ROPosted 30-05-2018 03:30 PM

@j95 how incredible to go and learn those skills in the NT. Really special. 

That article you've shared is amazing!! The art is made by people in prison! wow. 

j95Posted 30-05-2018 03:38 PM
Hey pretty cool hey took me a long time but finally made it up there and I learnt so much @gina-RO
lokifishPosted 30-05-2018 07:06 PM

Someone I know from uni has actually done research into appropriation of Indigenous art by non-Indigenous artists... definitely an interesting and controversial issue.


The National Gallery of Victoria have quite an impressive collection of Indigenous artworks. Here's a few of my favourites 🙂




Mankokkarrng (The Southern Cross)



j95Posted 31-05-2018 10:30 AM
Wow they are great @lokifish
Bree-ROPosted 31-05-2018 10:48 AM

Amazing @j95 @lokifish more please!

gina-ROPosted 29-05-2019 11:52 AM

National Reconciliation Week  - 27 May – 3 June

What is it all about? 

Reconciliation week is a time for all Australians to learn about the histories, cultures, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander peoples, and to promote better relationships and understanding. 

This means remembering and learning the true history of Australia; owning up to white colonisation and racism and their devastating impacts. 


This years theme is

Grounded in Truth
Walk Together with Courage


For Reconciliation Week this year, let's all go learn something new and be Grounded in Truth. 


1. Go learn about something inspiring or brave an aboriginal person or group has done, and celebrate it by sharing in this thread. 


2. Keep this one to yourself for confidentiality reasons, but go and find out which country you live in by going to this website or your local council website!


I'll start us off: 

1. Grandmothers against removals are an incredible group of Indigenous women fighting for their community, and their grandchildren. Learn more about their important ongoing work over here.




2. The ReachOut office is on land owned by the Gadigal people of the Eora nation. 




LovesFoodPosted 31-05-2019 06:14 PM

This is a really great theme for this year!


As a tennis fan I learnt that Eva Goolagong former world number 1 in the 70s launched the "Eva Goolagong Getting Started" program for young girls. She is very inspiring and invested in giving everyone an equal chance. 

missepPosted 31-05-2019 06:44 PM
When I first came to Australia, around 14 years ago, everything was new to me especially national reconciliation! I feel like I still have so much to learn but I really love learning about the amazing indigenous groups and leaders around! It makes me sad to think about the history but I really hope for a better future.
lennycat2017Posted 30-05-2019 03:20 PM

NRW week is very important to me as an Indigenous woman and having RO open up this discussion is so impactful for everyone on here to learn about Indigenous culture.


For my inspiring Indigenous group, I'd like to share Aime Mentoring. It focuses on having university students mentor high school kids who are at risk of being left behind and supporting student's studies to reduce the gap in Indigenous educational inequality. Heart

Jess1-ROPosted 31-05-2019 02:23 PM

AIME do some incredible work @lennycat2017 Smiley Happy 

Jess1-ROPosted 30-05-2019 10:06 AM

Question 1: I have had the honour of working with some incredible Aboriginal youth leaders and advocates in the health and wellbeing space. The leaders in this space made huge change for young people, families and communities to feel safe seeking support in the service I was working in. It was incredible to watch leaders as young as 14-15 share their voice so courageously- it was so powerful Heart

Bre-ROPosted 27-05-2021 02:27 PM



Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.


Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

To our new supporters, please remember the importance of privileging and amplifying First Nations’ voices as you add your voice to calls for reconciliation and justice.


We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.


2021 marks twenty years of Reconciliation Australia and almost three decades of Australia’s formal reconciliation process.



The online community team want to acknowledge this important week and encourage the community to share a pledge for how you will take action.

I pledge to continue living out my personal commitment to share the true history of this land with my family, friends and workplace. I promise to continue learning and taking opportunities whenever they are presented to me to show solidarity with First Nations people. 


What action will you take? 


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