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Advocacy - Ask a Pro Live with Bre August 29th 2019

Advocacy - Ask a Pro Live with Bre August 29th 2019


This month we are very excited to announce our Ask a Pro Live Event (formerly Infobus!) on the topic of Advocacy! It can be really difficult to advocate for yourself and for issues that are important to you, so let's explore this further in this month's Ask a Pro Live Event.


advocacy 2.gif



What is an Ask a Pro Live Event and how do I get involved?

Every month we run a live chat where special guests will come online to talk about a topic of importance in our community. This month our topic is Advocacy. You can submit questions ahead of time by filling in the form here or below, and join us live to see our guest's answers!


When are we talking about Advocacy?

Our guest Bre will be joining us on Thursday the 29th of August from 7pm-9pm (AEST)! 


Get to know Bre

“Hi! My name is Bre and I’m  the newest community manager on the forums and have worked in community services for five years. Before joining ReachOut I worked to support young people who have experienced disadvantage, to complete their education and career goals. As well as working with young people I have spent time supporting communities around Australia through a telephone crisis support service. These experiences have allowed me to understand how to access services, get referrals and advocate for oneself when needed.”


If you would like to get a notification 30 mins before we start the live discussion, high five this post! See you there!




Check out our community activities calendar for August 2019 here

Claire-ROPosted 14-08-2019 10:37 AM


Claire-ROPosted 29-08-2019 07:19 PM

Hi @Bre-RO 

 That's amazing about only having two continents left!!!


And well done on the published works! I love to hear how writing helps you get things off your chest I am the same with songwriting Heart


WheresMySquishyPosted 29-08-2019 07:18 PM

Hi @Bre-RO! Excited to be a part of this discussion! Smiley Happy

I love travelling too! Like you, I also loved writing poems and short stories when I was younger. Congratulations on getting some of your work published. Smiley Happy

Bre-ROPosted 29-08-2019 07:19 PM

@WheresMySquishy Excited to have you hear! 


It's nice to know we share that in common Heart And thank you so much - it definitely made my year 

ecla34Posted 23-08-2019 06:57 PM

So excited to get to know you more @Bre-RO ! 😄 Heart

May_Posted 26-08-2019 07:11 PM
Sounds great @Bre-RO! 🙂 I'll be at a seminar unfortunately but I'm keen to read back over it - I think advocacy is a really interesting topic.
MisoBearPosted 27-08-2019 09:36 AM
I'm going to try and stop in! I've submitted a question though 🙂
Bre-ROPosted 26-08-2019 03:08 PM

@ecla34 Thank you!! I'm really excited to share more of myself with you all Heart 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 26-08-2019 03:51 PM
I don't really know if I can make the chat... I'll probably be at Youth Group.

But here's one question:
What is advocacy?

// Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm Possible" //
Jess1-ROPosted 26-08-2019 04:01 PM

Hi @xXLexi_Lou122Xx  great question! I will put it in the google form for Bre 🙂

Thank you for letting us know you may not be able to make it, 100% okay 🙂 You are welcome to read through the chat at a later date too 🙂

statuscaringPosted 26-08-2019 05:38 PM
I will be at work @Jess1-RO but i will be keen to read back through the chat and learn more about Advocacy. Cant wait 🙂

Welcome back!

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