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It's baaaaack! So Friday Fives is all about acknowledging our favourite posts of the week and are a weekly high-five to the members who posted them!


Thoughout the week, mods, mod squad and staff have been nominating their fav posts and then I've picked my favourite 5 out of their nominations.


So, this is about thanking YOU, our members and our regulars for creating such a strong community here and acknowledging that it's you who make this place special (and a place that over 13,000 people visit every month for help).


So, thanks!

Sophie-ROPosted 16-05-2014 10:26 AM

Comments (31 pages)

lokifishPosted 23-08-2019 01:35 PM

It's Friday, and we're back with more FF winners this week! Woo! 😄


They are:


@JanaG  for sharing what they're grateful for



@WheresMySquishy  for sharing a bunch of awesome mental health memes. They definitely made me chuckle 😛



@happycat45  for supporting new forum users whose siblings have a mental health issue



@Harleigh  for posting in our introduce yourself here thread! We love getting to know everyone on the forums 😄



@peacelovepizza  for complimenting another user! It's always nice to share the love Heart




That's all for this week! Remember to  post your Friday Five nominations for next week HERE! 


ecla34Posted 23-08-2019 07:14 PM

@lokifish this week's theme is gold!! 😄

MisoBearPosted 23-08-2019 01:54 PM
Great job everyone!
scared01Posted 25-08-2019 06:32 PM
well done everyone
lokifishPosted 30-08-2019 10:21 AM

If you're reading this it means you've survived another week! Woohoo!


This week we have double the usual number of winners, because you're all just so wonderful Heart Keep scrolling to see if your posts have received a shout out!



@dog_lover94  for checking in with other users. It's great to follow up with people after they've posted to see if they've found RO's support helpful



@Bee  for sharing pictures of their colouring. Mindful colouring is a great self-care strategy 🙂




@Claire-RO  for being a great role model by sharing their positives! It's always nice to see the staff getting involved 😄



@xXLexi_Lou122Xx  for this epic pun



@letitgo  for sharing some potential debate topics! (FYI: I'm pro-pineapple on pizza :P)



@scared01  for their further contributions to the mental health memes thread



@Tiny_leaf  for their incredible good news story. Who knew that air mattresses could fly?!



@statuscaring  for sharing their positives of the day. Coffee in bed sounds like a great start to the morning 🙂



@idk_what_breaky  for being brave and reaching out to their mum, and then their GP. We are here to support you Heart



@Looking-From-A-Distance  for providing some great support on the aforementioned thread (also, welcome to the forums!)



Thank you to everyone for making the forums such a wonderful place! Heart Spread the love and nominate posts for next week HERE! 



BeePosted 07-09-2019 09:43 PM

Our Friday Fives turned into Saturday Night Fives 😉 

We didn't forget, we're just late 😛


@Bananatime04 Finding a new coping strategy that helps them most!


@Tiny_leaf  responded to a spammer advocating for the safety of the forum. It showed how much this user cares about the community and displayed strong leadership qualities by saying something. And their awesome thread of DIY activities! WOoo


@WheresMySquishy Your incredible use of resources and referrals to support a new member of the forums!



@MisoBear  for empathising with another user and showing you understand why sharing your story too.



@Dyl for sharing some inspirational videos with us



Thank you to everyone for another amazing week Heart Spread the love and nominate posts for next week HERE! 


BeePosted 13-09-2019 09:53 AM

Heya Forums family Heart it's Friday again and that means more Friday Fives, so lets jump in!


@blueberry32 Supporting another user through sharing their own experience


@Anonymous Giving some good practical advice to another member about moving out of home for the first time && This amazing response to QueenP with a ton of great suggestions! Really love that you have given more than one suggestion, and asked questions to encourage this member to explore this situation more- great support!


@Maryhadalittlelamb Checking in with us again and letting us know the incredible progress you have been working hard towards these last few months. Your post offers a lot of hope to others who are going through something similar


@Tiny_leaf For their engagement in this weeks GR. your posts are full of information and you've given us ways to think about things to be more inclusive with everyone


@mspaceK sharing your drawings with us, they are incredible! So much talent!


@scared01  sharing a heap of mental health memes, I particularly love this one 😛


Thank you to everyone for another amazing week Heart Spread the love and nominate posts for next week HERE! 

scared01Posted 16-09-2019 05:37 PM
@Bee what tv show is these memes from?

and thank you, and congrats to all our Friday fives. you all deserve it Heart
BeePosted 17-09-2019 05:11 PM
@scared01 the gifs are from a tv show called Scrubs It's hilarious 🙂
scared01Posted 17-09-2019 05:12 PM
oh thanks @Bee I might have to look into it. I need another tv show to watch!
Claire-ROPosted 17-09-2019 05:17 PM

Agree with @Bee scrubs is hilarious 

ecla34Posted 20-09-2019 06:39 PM

Hey everyone!

As the week comes to an end, it's time for more Friday Fives!


First to @mspaceK for this beautiful response to Bee, letting them know that you hear them and that no matter what emotion they are feeling in the moment, it is okay. Heart

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx for checking in on another user who had not posted in a while. Heart



@Pasta for giving other users empathetic and heartfelt support! Heart 



@Maryhadalittlelamb for this wonderful reflection about mental health. Heart 



@Captain-K for being clean and proactively attempting to avoid a relapse xx. Go you!!!! Heart



@letitgo for this wonderful, validating post. Thank you for sharing your love with us all. Heart



and last but not least for @Bre-RO for partaking in lighter threads with us, love these Memes!



As always please point out all of the awesome stuff you see coming from our wonderful community! 😄 You can nominate someone for a Friday Five here! xx Heart


Happy weekend everyone!

Captain-KPosted 24-09-2019 02:11 AM


I'm sad I missed the live chat haha. No I'm really glad, you've all been been really supportive and it seems like a good community you've got here. I'm hoping in the future I can give a bit more to help others who are or were in my situation. Thanks guys 🙂

ecla34Posted 24-09-2019 09:52 PM

@Captain-K i'm glad you've been getting lots of support from the community Heart 

you're more than welcome to join in on our next live chat! 😄 love seeing you around on the forums 🙂

lokifishPosted 27-09-2019 03:07 PM

Time for another round of Friday Fives! With a special theme given tomorrow's Grand Final 😛


@smileandwave  for using their lived experience to provide peer support!



@litgym  for coming back to the forums!



@linkinpark13  for saying goodbye to the forums 😞 We'll miss you!



@mspaceK  for their amazing support to a fellow member!



@scared01  for surviving a five hour road trip!



That's all for this week! If you're not watching the game tomorrow, why not take the time to nominate someone for a Friday Five HERE? ðŸ™‚


BeePosted 05-10-2019 02:49 PM

No we didn't forget about Friday Fives, they are just running a bit late this week 😉 

And to celebrate a HUGE week of amazing support and incredible resilience, I have chosen gifs from The Greatest Showman as it's such an inspiring movie.


@mrmusic  for the awesome weekly wellbeing activity on role models!

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx  sharing the gorgeous earrings you made & this amazing list of things you like about yourself

@Bananatime04 utilising self-help strategies and contacting a helpline when they needed. So Proud of you! & using your experience to support another user through a tough time

@Saltwaterdreamtime demonstrating a lot of resilience and care for others in turning a negative to a positive.

@Tiny_leaf supporting another user in a difficult situation, providing them information and ideas for support

Related image


That's all for this incredible week. Seen an awesome post that deserves acknowledgment? Why not nominate someone for a Friday Five HERE? ðŸ™‚ Heart

BeePosted 30-10-2019 04:36 PM

Heya Peeps! It's been a while since we've had some Friday Fives action here, so doing a Fives Bomb for the last few weeks 😛 Apologies we've missed them Heart

@drpenguin demonstrating some epic resilience skills with changes in their life! 


@lokifish starting this awesome thread of BPD Awareness! And being so brave to share this with your friends and family Heart


@Bananatime04 using games threads as a fun distraction, we love the games section too!


@Tiny_leaf  the support and info you've provided the user in this post is amazing and demonstrates fab peer support! And for working together with Pasta here on some grounding techniques- brilliant peer support! 


@ApplesRoses Starting this empowering thread and sharing motivational back-to-school messages.


@Pasta Even though you've been going through a hard time you're still looking out for others in the community. Thank you for being caring and generous


That's a wrap for now

If you've seen an awesome post this week, please nominate them here for a Friday Five 🙂 Heart 

Hopefully, we'll be back on Friday with more awesome Fives 

BeePosted 08-11-2019 10:21 AM

Hey all! It's Friday again and we've got some awesome fives ready for you all! Heart


@Anonymous  overcoming their troubles one at a time and are helping others through the process

@Maddy-RO This awesome answer for the Wellbeing Wednesday post this week and setting goals to explore new areas more often!

@ApplesRoses providing amazing and detailed support based on resources and their own experience


@Tiny_leaf Starting this new thread Trans community about creating a space for trans young people to feel safe, heard and supported! 


@xXLexi_Lou122Xx for a great post about things they are looking forward to, these activities sound so amazing and FUN!


@RockPaperScissorsMelon for offering some awesome support to a user about anxiety


Thats it for this week fam, hope you enjoyed the fives and these cute gifs as much as I did picking them 🙂 And if you see a post which you think is awesome, nominate them for a  Friday Five Heart

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 06-11-2020 08:29 PM
I'm loving the fruit theme @WheresMySquishy 😄
WheresMySquishyPosted 06-11-2020 06:34 PM

Hi all!

It's time for some very belated Friday Fives (sorry for the delay!)

Our first Friday Five is for @Eden1717 for continuing to support the community while going through a really tough time, for staying strong during this time and inspiring us all to keep going. Heart


Our second Friday Five goes out to @Panda_ a new user who gave us such awesome support right off the bat. Well done! 🙂


Thirdly, @Saltwaterdreamtime has made many contributions to toolbox threads and spread some positivity! Here's an example.
















Next, a Friday Five for @Indieboy14  for trying out some strategies to help with feeling uncertain about the future. 🙂


Here's to @MB95 for supporting members of our community, sharing strategies that have helped them and making other people feel heard!


Finally, a shout-out to everyone who contributed to this awesome thread for sharing some good things that have happened to them and inspiring our community in these uncertain times.
@clarii3105  @sunnygirl606   @November13   @Sunnybear   @Hozzles   @belski  @Rosie97   @Hannah-RO  @Bella2   @Lost_Space_Explorer5 @hunginc  @Bre-RO 


Until next time, have a great weekend! 🙂

Hannah-ROPosted 29-09-2020 11:03 AM

Aw how delightful! Loving these Pokemon gifs Heart

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 28-09-2020 12:11 PM
Thank you @WheresMySquishy!

Well done everyone!
WheresMySquishyPosted 25-09-2020 05:44 PM

Hi everyone!

It's time to announce some more Friday Fives! 🙂

The first Friday Five is for @cicadas, who shared their hobbies. Leaving something interesting for kids to find is such a great idea!


The second Friday Five goes out to @WheresMySquishy (Smiley Surprised) for 'doing a bunch of amazing work in continuing to build our RO community and keep things fun and supportive'. Thank you to whoever nominated me! Heart


This Friday Five goes out to a whole bunch of people! @xXLexi_Lou122Xx  @StarGirl101   @featuringme   @November13   @Hannah-RO  and @MB95 have all suggested some helpful study tips in this week's GR!


Next up is a Friday Five for @Saltwaterdreamtime for posting lovely messages of thanks and support to members of our community.


Last but not least, a Friday Five for @Bananatime04 for coming back to the forums to let us all know that they are doing well and that things are improving for them. Heart


Well done everyone! Have a happy weekend! 🙂



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